17th, 18th and 23rd October 2023
This three-day intensive engages with the Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA) exhibition Howardena Pindell: A Renewed Language, (June-October 2023) by the American artist, activist and educator, Howardena Pindell, and the intertwined topics of feminism, black activism as well as discourses of race and ethnicity in an Irish context.
Particular attention will be paid to exploring how the concept of fugitivity and how it might shape radical engagements with existing and potential archives.
Fugitivity is a malleable and indeterminate concept: it references historic narratives of fugitive slaves and wider accounts of black survival and resistance. It mirrors the material and corporeal phenomena of flight: movement and change, unruliness and disobedience, negation and refusal. The flights of fugitivity reject the liberal politics of a dominant order and its deferred promises of equality, which remain mired in classism, sexism and racism.
Participants will be introduced to the rich and allusive writing of figures like Fred Moten, Akwugo Emejulu, Tina Campt and Saidiya Hartman. Through discussions, conversations, collaborative research and ideations, their concepts will be related to the work of Howardena Pindell and to the NIVAL project: “Archiving Plurality: A Collaborative Process”. Participants will also engage in self-directed and collaborative work to explore how concepts of fugitivity might be used as a speculative provocation to expand, reshape and unmake existing, future and imagined archives.
17th Oct, IMMA Fugitivity and Howardena Pindell – talks, seminars, discussion
10am-12.30pm and 2pm – 4.30pm
18th Oct, NCAD, Seminar, 9am-12.30pm
23rd Oct, IMMA, Participants presentations, 9.30am-12.30pm
Sara Damaris Muthi is a curator and writer. Currently a curatorial assistant at IMMA, her recent independent curatorial and writing practice explores the intersections of Evangelicalism and Western visual culture.
Dr John Wilkins is an Irish Reseach Council Enterprise Postdoctoral Fellow working with Trinity College Dublin and the Irish Museum of Modern Art. Dr Wilkins’s work explores the intersections of race, gender, and national identity in Literature and Visual Culture.
Janet Neary is an associate professor of English at Hunter College, City University of New York. She is the author of Fugitive Testimony: On the Visual Logic of Slave Narratives, essays in J19, ESQ, African American Literature, MELUS, and a variety of scholarly collections on African American literature and culture. She is the editor of Conditions of the Present: Selected Essays by Lindon Barrett. Her current book-in-progress, Speculative Life: Nineteenth-Century African American Literature and Visual Culture of the West, examines Black Western cultural life in the wake of the California Gold Rush and the passage of the Fugitive Slave Law.
This intensive will appeal to artists, designers, activists, researchers, archivists and post-graduate students interested in thinking collaboratively about racial justice.
There is a fee of €200
Book via NCAD HERE
Programme Staff
Fiona Loughnane loughnanef@staff.ncad.ie
Alessia Cargnelli cargnellia@staff.ncad.ie
Contact the Admissions Staff
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